Black Shiny Bonus Upgrade Scroll (Equipment/Weapon)

The Black Shiny Bonus Upgrade Scroll is a powerful tool in the game that enables players to enhance the bonuses on their equipment or weapons, particularly those that have already been merged or enhanced. This guide will explain how to use the scroll effectively to upgrade your items.

Understanding the Scroll

The Black Shiny Bonus Upgrade Scroll (Equipment/Weapon) is designed to increase the bonus stats of your items, such as STR on a helmet or any other attribute relevant to your equipment or weapon. It's particularly useful for players looking to maximize the potential of their gear.

How It Works

  1. Identify Your Target Item: Start with an item that has a bonus you wish to improve, for example, a Black Slayer Helmet with a bonus of 20 STR.

  2. Find a Compatible Item: Obtain another Black Slayer Helmet that is either destroyed or merged. It's crucial that this item is of the same class and part, and it must have the same stat but a higher value than your current item.

  3. Prepare to Use the Scroll: Double-click on the Black Shiny Bonus Upgrade Scroll to activate it. You will then need to place the item with the higher stat on the left side of the upgrade window and the item with the lower stat on the right side.

  4. Execute the Upgrade: Click on the arrow in the middle of the Scroll window. The process will destroy the item with the higher stat, transferring its superior stat to the item with the lower stat.

Important Notes

  • Item Destruction: Be aware that the item placed on the left side of the upgrade window will be destroyed in the process. Ensure you're willing to sacrifice this item to enhance your target item.

  • Stat Compatibility: This scroll allows for flexibility in upgrading stats across different item types, such as upgrading the stats of a 1on1 Knuckle with an HP Knuckle, provided they are compatible in terms of class and part.

This scroll allows you to increase your bonus on your already merged item.

NOTE: You can upgrade the stats of a 1on1 Knuckle, with HP Knuckle. NOTE: The item on the left side will be destroyed.

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