Fashion Set Guide
The fashion progression is as follows: Dragon Set -> Black Dragon Set -> Gaia Set -> Ultimate -> Omega.
Vengeful/Venerable/Wise Dragon Set
These items can be obtained from Wafor, the red chip merchant in Flaris for 20 ECP (you get ECP from levelling to platinum level 50). Don’t forget to also get the dragon cloak (15 ECP) and mask (10 ECP) at Wafor!
Black Dragon Set + Cloak & Mask
The upgrade to your first fashion set can be farmed in Eden. You’ll need to buy the corresponding recipes at researcher Albert in Eden for the set and cloak and farm the quest items.
Gaia Set
The next fashion set to go for is the Gaia Set. You can check out the NPC Aoife in central Flaris near the post office to see what items are needed to create this set. Or you can buy a Gaia Coupon from players and then trade Aoife in Flaris to the set you need.
Ultimate Fashion Set
To craft your ultimate fashion set, you’ll need the Ultimate Entropia Fashion Bundle (crafting). This bundle will give you the required materials to merge your gaia set into an ultimate fashion set. You can upgrade your Ultimate Entropia Cloak & Mask into the Omega Entropia Cloak & Mask by buying the recipe at the Master of Alchemy Ruboru in Flaris.
You can upgrade your fashion set to +10 at BoboChan (Safe Upgrade – fashion) in Flaris. You’ll need lightning stone (fashion) and scrolls of CProtect (fashion). These items can be farmed in the Golem Temple dungeon or bought from players. You can also insert gems into your upgraded fashion parts at BoboChan under the Fashion – Jewel Setting option. You can use scrolls of gem reversion to remove the last placed jewel until you get the desired stats. The gems and reversion scrolls can also be farmed in Golem Temple. You can also add bonus stats on your fashion parts using the fashion bonus scroll you can buy for 100 perin each in the exchange option at Laura (Cash Shop NPC in Flaris).
Awaking your fashion set:
You can get up to 3x awakes on each fashion set part. You can do this by buying 2 additional fashion sets (cheap ones) at Fashion Natalie in Flaris. Awaken all 3 fashion sets with the desired stats and combine all three fashion sets one by one to get x3 awakes. You will need to buy scrolls of costume protect under the exchange option at Laura in Flaris. Then go to Jewel Manager Peach and choose combine costumes. Make sure you sacrifice the sets you don’t want to keep! Double check before starting and make sure you have the protection scroll active.
Last updated